Facebook Automatic Ad Messages: How to Stop this Invasion of Privacy?

Facebook has revolutionized how businesses interact with their customers through its Business Pages feature. While it offers convenience and efficiency, there is a growing concern regarding a specific aspect of this feature—automatic ad messages. These automated messages allow businesses to send promotional content directly to users' inboxes without their explicit consent. While Automatic Ad Messages can be a valuable tool…

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Dhruv Rathee: A Force for Change in the Digital Sphere

In the era of social media and online influencers, Dhruv Rathee has emerged as a prominent figure, captivating the attention of millions with his thought-provoking content and unwavering dedication to creating awareness on social, economic, and political issues. Through his videos, blogs, and social media presence, Rathee has carved a niche for himself as a progressive voice, striving to empower…

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TikTok Responsible for Teen’s Mental Health Crisis

TikTok, a popular social media platform, has been linked to teen mental health issues. Because users are constantly exposed to content from others who appear to have more followers, better lives and more attractive appearances, the platform's algorithm can create a "compare and despair" mindset. Furthermore, the pressure to create and share content can result in feelings of inadequacy and…

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How Social Media Destroying Our Lives

Social media can have an impact on our lives in both positive and negative ways. On the plus side, it allows us to stay in touch with friends and family, share and discover new information, and gain access to a variety of resources and opportunities. On the downside, it can contribute to the spread of misinformation, expose us to cyberbullying…

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