Starting anything is always challenging, freelancing is no different. It’s not just only for you. Everyone in the world whenever tries to start a new business or profession, it is always difficult in the beginning. If you can’t get through this difficult time, if you are not dedicated and if you have no passion for what you want to do, then the possibility of your success is very low. If you want to succeed in any profession in the world, four things are very important.
- Number one is: You have to have love for the job, it’s very important.
- The number two thing is: you have to be very good at what you do. No skill, no value is universal policy.
- Number three – no one in the world can be successful without patience, you can’t be either.
- And last but not least, you must be dedicated and professional.

So, why you are not getting any work?
Now come to the first question, why are you not getting a job? Let’s see if you do the following tasks, if you have any of them, then you have to assume that’s the reason you are not getting the job.
- You have no idea about your profession
- You do not know what you are naturally skilled or talented at
- You have come to freelancing just for the greed of money, regarding freelancing, you have no interest in your heart
- You think you can do all kinds of work and you bid for all kinds of work
- You have no training or professional level skills for the job you want to do yet
- You do not focus on one particular subject. You always trying to do all kind of works!
- You have lack of patience, trying to achieve success very quickly which is never possible
- You can’t take freelancing as a business
- Your investment in this profession is zero, one thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get a lot, you have to pay at least something.
- You’re used to copying and pasting someone else’s work, which is very bad.
How can I get works in Freelancing?
I’ll answer briefly – if you have any of the points I made above, omit them first. Now follow the points below, I hope it will be helpful for you.
How will your chances of getting a job increase?
- You start your freelancing career by focusing on a specific topic, trying to ask yourself questions, what you are interested in, what you like to do, what you are naturally good at. Maybe it’s data entry, digital marketing, web development, wordpress development, graphics design, translation services. The important thing is that you never do two or three things at once. Start working on a topic, and you will be more likely to master it.
- Okay, let’s just say you know what you’re working on and you’ve got a fair level of expertise in it and you have the mental preparation to serve others. When working for clients, you must have certain qualities. Being number one – your communication level has to be very good. You need to understand the work that you are going to do and complete the work well and deliver it on time, never be late.
- Now whether you like Fiverr or Upwork, in my opinion Fiverr is the best place to start your online career, make a gig like your own without seeing anyone else’s gig (no copy paste, don’t do this). Your chances of getting a job will depend on how well you build this gig. I have been trying to write a blog on Gig for a long time, not having time, hopefully I will be able to write a blog very soon. In a nutshell – make sure your title is unique. Never download cover photos from Just Online. Try your best to give a good cover photo. The third most important thing is the description of your gig. Write your gig description well in English without making any grammatical mistakes, always write a paragraph at the end by mentioning, they should message you before giving work.
- Alright, you are ready to get the job now. For now, there is nothing to do but wait patiently. Make two more good gigs in between, maybe the same thing, but somehow you don’t have to copy-paste one gig to another.
- The next step is to try to reply to any message as soon as you receive it. Your communication skills will determine how fast you’ll get the job. Don’t expect to get a job in the beginning. Hold on, whenever you get a job, do it with 100% of your work, don’t make mistakes and if you can deliver the first 10/15 jobs well, get a 5 star rating, you are very unlikely to look back. Remember that you have to give a good job all the time and if you cheat, you will drop out of the business.
Now it may seem that these are all I know, I thought you would tell me a secret that as soon as I hear it I will get a new job!! If it seems to you that you are still on the wrong road. There is no secret to success, everyone knows the path but very few people can follow it. Because many people try to become rich in shortcuts like you which is never possible in the world. Whether you are talking about a freelance career or any other business, the dream that the coaching professionals have shown you is not real. Achieving success, in reality, is a little difficult but not impossible. Work patiently, hopefully, you’ll succeed.